Thursday, November 29, 2012

De Gea relishes pressure

David De Gea admits the pressure of being a goalkeeper for Manchester United is more intense than at other clubs, but the Spaniard insists he is relishing the challenge.
The former Atletico Madrid stopper has been exposed to close scrutiny since moving to Old Trafford in 2011 as a long-term replacement for the retired Edwin van der Sar, despite producing a series of impressive performances throughout his 51-match career with the Reds.
The good form of Anders Lindegaard, who has impressed whenever called upon, has also sparked debate over who is Sir Alex Ferguson’s first choice this season. Thankfully, De Gea is enjoying the competition and hopes to produce his best form as a result.
“I’m at a huge club and there are big demands on you,” David told United Review. “As a goalkeeper I’m well aware that any mistake can be magnified by the press and the fans. That’s always the case for goalkeepers, no matter where you play.
“But it’s true that here at Manchester United there’s added pressure. It’s bigger than it was for me at Atletico Madrid and also for the Spain Under-21 team. It’s a challenge that’s enjoyable and it ensures you’re always striving to operate at 100 per cent.”
United have conceded the first goal in 13 matches this season, salvaging a victory from eight of those games. It's a worrying habit, yet it also highlights the never-say-die attribute that has helped define Sir Alex’s 26-year reign.
Although such comebacks are typical of United, De Gea has been surprised by the frequency of turnarounds - admitting he loves being a part of a team with so much self-belief. 
“I have been surprised. Certainly, when I was in Spain I’d heard about this aspect and seen for myself on TV the way the team always seemed to conjure up a late goal to either draw or win matches. So it’s great to be a part of it myself.
“I think dramatic comebacks are part of the heart and soul of this club and it’s almost written in the history of Manchester United that these sorts of things happen so often. I love being a part of it and experiencing it for myself.”


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